View Full Version : Brooklands flooded. How bad?

24th Feb 2001, 01:01
I hear that the wonderful museum at Brooklands is flood damaged. Does anyone know the details, damage etc?

I sincerely hope it is nothing serious.

25th Feb 2001, 08:13
This happened a while ago Pinger, on the day they were due to open the Formula One exhibition I was due to attend -16/11/00.
Apparently the site was under about 2' of water in 30 seconds.
Visit their website for details.
Wonderful place! Pure nostalgia for those into the history of Bristish motor racing and aviation.

28th Feb 2001, 08:35
There was a lot of damage to exhibits and it was thought that they would not open till after Easter. The good news is that they have been opening weekends for planned events and are working very hard to get as much as possible back to normal as soon as possible but there is at least 8-12months work ahead of them. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ALL AT BIRTHPLACE OF BRITISH AVIATION...!!