View Full Version : Adv. ATPL CPL

3rd Jun 2011, 09:55
What are the general thoughts on smashing out the atpl theory modules straight after the cpl theory all done with in-house theory / full time schools.

a) Is it worth completing the atpl whilst all the cpl theory knowledge is fresh?
b) Or, does it make more sense to get a flying gig, learn the ropes, and then do the atpl theory?

i) I understand that Advanced Flight Theory only have teach 4 of 7 subj.
ii) I also understand that onceI poetentially have a gig self study or time off to complete atpl is going to be tough
iii) Finances are good to keep going through to atpl

Background: I am 3/4 way through a cpl full time course at present. Am finding all information straight forward. I dont have many hours. Have good knowleg of ga industry have been working init for many years so know whats invloved. Goal is to be establihed in a multi ifr role within 18-24 months.

3rd Jun 2011, 10:25
Howdy mate,

a) Is it worth completing the atpl whilst all the cpl theory knowledge is fresh?

In a way yes. ATPL HUF and Air Law are very similar to CPL. Don't know if they've changed since two years ago but I even used the exact same text book to study both exams. So obviously the closer together you do them the easier the ATPL ones will be.

b) Or, does it make more sense to get a flying gig, learn the ropes, and then do the atpl theory?

Might help a little but not really. Unless you're flying a jet when you do your ATPL's it won't make much difference.

ii) I also understand that onceI poetentially have a gig self study or time off to complete atpl is going to be tough

I'm no genius and I managed to self study all of them whilst flying full time. Took me 10 months all up. Not hard if you can motivate yourself to do it. I personally learn better when I self study than I do in a classroom environment so each to their own.

4th Jun 2011, 04:02
Hi there,
I suggest to all my students to get them done after CPL, preferably before getting a job.

You will have to weigh up the pros and cons for yourself to see if it is suitable or not. Here are just a few.

You are still in the mood to study.
You can do a full time course during the day when you are more productive.
Once they are all done, there is nothing holding you back. Nothing worse than hiring a new instructor who then after a month wants 4 or 5 weeks off to go to Maroochy or Bankstown or wherever to do 4 subjects.
Networking with people on your course who could give you sniff of a job coming up.

You might not be in the mood or the infomation doesn't sink in after a big day at the ranch.
3 years can whizz by pretty quick. if you are really busy working, time can slip by and then you will have to start from scratch, again.
You may miss out on getting that all important first job because you are in a classroom and not knocking on doors selling yourself.

That's just my two bobs worth based on my personal experience and the testimony of past students who thanked me for the advise as well as those who wished they did the subjects earlier. I'm sure everybody else out there will different opinions and pros and cons lists for you to consider.

I reckon you should do them NOW!

Good luck, and don't :mad: it up!

desert goat
7th Jun 2011, 12:25
Speaking of ATPLs....
There was a thread on here not long ago comparing AFT to Rob Avery and a couple of others- I ran into a site called OnlineAviationTheory.com....anyone used them and if so, were they any good?