View Full Version : Movie question: The Italian job

31st May 2011, 20:15
In the original 1969 'Italian job" movie there is a scene at an airport (Turin?) where the gold is removed from a "freighter" by lowering it from what looks like a bomb-bay.
It is a four engine (radial piston engines) type with unusual cockpit glazing.
Anyone out there can tell me what it is please, and the Airline?

Did it really have a bomb-bay type arrangement for cargo or was that just a device for the movie?

Kieron Kirk
31st May 2011, 20:25
C-74 Globemaster 1.

Try Google/Wikipedia.

Aeronaves de Panama I think.


India Four Two
31st May 2011, 20:25
C-74 Globemaster


India Four Two
31st May 2011, 20:28
KK - Snap! ;)

1st Jun 2011, 18:17
Thanks all. I suppose I might have known this had been covered before. All the answers are at
Goleta Air and Space Museum: Douglas C-74 Globemaster (http://www.air-and-space.com/Douglas%20C-74.htm)
Was the "freight loading elevator" unique to the C74? It was certainly a gift to the movie-maker as a dramatic means to unload gold.

spanish no fly
6th Jun 2011, 14:47
No, some, if not all the C97 range had them. Not sure about the "K" range though.