View Full Version : Merged: Lasers

10th Apr 2011, 06:10
Could some one please tell me, what specific training do Jetstar pilots receive regarding lasers being directed at aircraft?

Also can you tell me, apart from pilots, who is classified as tech crew on Jetstar aircraft?

10th Apr 2011, 06:54
I can answer your second question as just the pilots.

Why Jetstar specifically? Are you recharging the battery in your laser for tonight or something.

10th Apr 2011, 07:19
No, I might not be real smart, but I'm not that stupid.

I was listening to the Jetstar spokesman talking about a laser incident in Sydney, and he said. Something along the lines "all Jetstar pilots AND tech crew are trained for these events and they acted in accordance with their training to avoid an accident".

Simply interested in heaing whether they do actually receive any training or was the whole comment pure spin and bull****.

10th Apr 2011, 08:24
The latter- unless you count the general LOFT type training that most airlines do as being 'trained for these events'.

10th Apr 2011, 21:30
We had the chance to throw the book at these idiots who think it is funny to point lasers at planes. I was hit with one in 2009 and due to good fortune the person was caught. The police were very, very keen to make an example of him.

Due to some expensive lawyers the end result, despite being found guilty, was no conviction and (from memory) an $800 fine. The crazy thing was this guy was a student pilot and CASA couldn't care less about what had happened. After the incident he continued training.

What didn't make the papers was the guy was a student pilot at my flying school - he had in fact 'lasered' one of the flying instructors! The final frustration was the flying school didn't have the balls to kick him out either - they simply moved him to a 'different' part of the organisation.

Every couple of weeks I hear on Centre or Approach about laser incidents. It still angers me to this day nothing was done about it when there was an ideal opportunity to send out of a message that laser attacks are unacceptable.

Howard Hughes
11th Apr 2011, 03:06
Training not really required, look away/inside and report position to ATC.

11th Apr 2011, 03:18
Ando1Bar, that is an absolute joke. CASA should have revoked his licence permanently.

12th Apr 2011, 13:20
Not at all 1Bar's fault.... This clown is still floating around the skies!!!. Ando, Guessing a laser at 2330 coming in off CNS in a dirty old Metro3 is not the best, nor it is for anyone. Yet there are still ground hugging clowns that are willing to support these F#$ck wits..... And yes, the Douche that did this, did get passed from one org, to another, both being the same...... G'day N.K.

14th Apr 2011, 01:12
In a story (http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/dangerous-laser-show-puts-passenger-planes-at-risk/story-e6frfq80-1226038848294) about another laser pointing episode, the Airline responded:

A Jetstar spokesman said the safety of passengers on board was not compromised.

"There wasn't any safety issue and the aircraft landed as planned,'' he said.

Well, either lasers pointed at aircraft are dangerous or they aren't. Make up your minds. If I was the defendant in court, I would be quickly pointing out the Airline's position.

Perhaps its the only phrase the PR people know.

14th Apr 2011, 01:49
At the moment the only charge that can be given is assault.

I wonder what would happen if a passenger punched a pilot or cabin crew member in the face...

Wing Root
14th Apr 2011, 08:57
I believe I read somewhere on here once that switching off your external lighting during an attack can make it difficult for the perpetrator to acquire you as a target again. I was able to try this suggestion first hand having experienced a laser "attack" in GA which was far brighter and distracting than I thought possible. Once I switched the navs and beacon off however the laser immediately shone away from me.

Wally Mk2
14th Apr 2011, 10:18
"WR" I guess you could try that but you wouldn't being doing that until ya got zapped in the first place.
I got zapped big time a few years ago coming in to land at EN one evening (obviously). I was hand flying it when I was blinded temp even to the point where I managed to get 'george' back on & tell the twr I needed to maintain hdg & Alt for a minute or so as I couldn't see sh1t !!!

Dangerous bastards these people. It's becoming more & more prevalent these days even to the point that a laser event is recorded on the ATIS as being reported. What do you do? Our laws are way too soft & that being the case it's an un-fixable situation, just stay alert & don't look out the side windows too much during a turn, the most venerable time.


14th Apr 2011, 11:28
this is getting ridiculous, why isn't anyone doing about it?

As a student pilot, i think i would have quite a high workload by the time i'm on finals, i wouldnt want to have a some prick shining a laser at me just for fun.

What happens if some student pilots get lazed in the eyes on finals, i shudder to think of the outcome.

I wouldn't wish this upon anyone.

Bing Gordon
20th Apr 2011, 11:05
From the onion (content warning) (http://www.theonion.com/articles/well-folks-it-appears-some-****head-down-there-is,19975/?mobile=false)