View Full Version : Profit Before Safety?: Moebus, EASA and CAP 371

13th Mar 2011, 09:04
Possibly worthwhile having a distinct thread on this, as it can get distract from more relevant content elsewhere.

In a nutshell, it seems Europe is planning to impose less restrictive rules for minimum rest and maximum hours.

This article gives the best background to this important issue:

EU - Transport Policy (http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmselect/cmtran/writev/eu/eu5.htm)

13th Mar 2011, 10:26
Or perhaps "safety first", "time for shopping in the individuals time rather than during previously mandated rest periods, second" ?

I have no idea which it is, but having worked in the same company as a couple of the authors mentioned on the report, and knowing how a*al they can be about getting safety right, I doubt they would sign their name to anything which compromises safety.

13th Mar 2011, 11:48
GrahamO, Read the document and NPA's and then reconsider your opinion. i doubt that any pilots would benefit from the overall proposals and therefore safety levels are reduced.

PPRuNe Pop
13th Mar 2011, 12:23
There are three other threads on this elsewhere on the site. No more thank you.