View Full Version : ADS-B a Terrorists delight ?

Flying Binghi
5th Feb 2011, 16:17
A thread to look at the possible terrorist or crimminal mis-use of ADS-B or GPS.

ADS-B needs GPS to work.

In another thread OZBUSDRIVER offers this link - ADS-B ... Terrorist's Dream, Security's Nightmare (http://www.airsport-corp.com/adsb2.htm)

"...ADS-B is showing its altitude and position with an accuracy of a few meters..."

"...He doesn't have access to ADS-B equipment, but that doesn't matter. It's a simple task to put a $100 GPS receiver from WalMart in the model plane, coupled to a readily available wireless LAN card. With a similar card in his laptop, he can monitor precisely where his aircraft is. Joe doesn't have a lot of test equipment either, and it might be time consuming to build a 1090 MHz ADS-B receiver from scratch. Instead, he simply takes the receiver from a DBS satellite system he purchased at the discount store for $199 cash. That receiver, half the size of a deck of cards, tunes from 950 to 1450 MHz which is precisely what he requires. All Joe needs to do is write a little software, and voila, he can monitor the exact position and identification of every airliner within 20 or 30 miles.
At this point, Joe has been able to do the entire job single-handedly with information and materials that are readily available and 100% legal. While finishing construction of the plane, he spends a few days listening to the tower and watching the ADS-B data on his computer. Soon he has a good list of United Airlines ADS-B ID tags. He is ready to go, and no other person on earth has any idea what is about to happen..."
