View Full Version : A320 go around in a npa approach..

15th Jan 2011, 15:28
hello guys...
One of our Capt. in our company asked this question.. wanted to point out that we are only approved off carrying out lateral & vertical selected non precision approaches.
"when carrying out a go around in a Non precision approach what would the fma read & since we have the trk/fpa on how would we get the pitch reference since the fd's would be off ??"

15th Jan 2011, 17:17
Are you doing that approach in selected (SPEED FPA TRACK) or with FDs OFF?

pullup hard
15th Jan 2011, 17:32
Guys don't get too excited, FDs will reappear at application of TOGA.
Find refernce in FCOM1.22. or FMGS guide(FCOM4).

With regards to lateral and vertical modes for NPA this may change and is depending of a) Company policy and b) NAV Data Base provider or validation respectively.

Happy flying!

15th Jan 2011, 17:34
thanks PUH :ok: ...
microburst yes its managed speed & fd's off...

Nick 1
15th Jan 2011, 17:39
In go-around FD bars pop up in SRS/GA TRK , if FPV/FPD was used reverts in FD bars .
In older a/c you may not have the automatic pop up of FD bars.

Happy go around !!

Nick 1

16th Jan 2011, 11:18
That's right. Older models remain FDs OFF and the procedure is different than the normal FD ON ga procedure.


I understand you have FDs OFF, therefore there are no vertical nor lateral modes in the FMA. Before the go around, there is only the A/THR in SPEED mode, if it is active.

Upon advancing thrust levers to TOGA A/THR is armed (except if initiated below 100 ft RA in which case you have to arm manually).
You have to ignore the flashing LVR CLB prompt at accel alt. Otherwise ATHR will come active in SPEED mode with VAPP as target, which is not good.
Keep TOGA, accelerate, set target speed (green dot or 250 or whatever), levers to CLB, then if you want to use automation turn FDs ON,then select apropriate modes.

Take a look at your FCOM 4 flight phase related

16th Jan 2011, 12:44
...(except if initiated below 100 ft RA in which case you have to arm manually)...

Where does this come from? We operate MSN from 300+ to 4000+ and I have not spotted that one in the FCOM/OEBs..


The last lines should confirm what the other posters said (FCOM 1.22.30 p56a):

http://nsa25.casimages.com/img/2011/01/16/110116022507450370.jpg (http://www.casimages.com)

Having said that, you might want to have a look at your current effective OEBs. As mentioned by MB2002, some older A/C do not transition to G/A phase (OEB144).

16th Jan 2011, 13:13
Cheers Microburst2002 & Nick 1
Shortfuel.. will check up my company for the msn's but am sure its around 28++ but thanx once again...

16th Jan 2011, 13:30
Even older than that!

I don't know if that feature is "retrofitable" or not, but I have flown them and, actually I carried out myself a no FD go around in one, a few years ago, It was after a messy descent and approach with ATC giving us shortcut, number one and high speed and then numbert two, reduce minimum approach speed. I had disconnected to complete visually as we were high and fast. By the 500 we were more or less stabilised but the turboprop ahead didn't vacate quickly enough so that is how I went around with no FD.

I wish I had known better my AFS that day. I had to use the famous golden rule and disconnect A/THR. It was a very good lesson, nonetheless.

16th Jan 2011, 13:39
Anyway, I think you should rephrase the question because it is not clear.

How can you make a selected guidance approach with FDs OFF?

FDs OFF means you fly without any guidance and monitor raw data navigation. FMA is blank except for A/THR which must be OFF or in SPEED.

After setting levers to the TOGA notch in a modern model the GO AROUND mode becomes active, even if FDs were OFF. FMA will read SRS GA TRK A/THR and the reference will revert to HDG/VS.

All this, regardless of the type of approach (ILS, LOC or NPA)

16th Jan 2011, 16:57
I suppose you refer to perform a go around after a NPA when being visual and thus having disconnected the AP+FD's and having the bird as ref on PFD.

In that case, and depending on your FMGS version, the FD bars will eventually automatically pop up. (if not "give me the bars" and pnf pushes HDG/VS-TRK/FPA p/b to give you the bars)

In any case TOGA + target BA 15° all engines + flaps 1 step up.

read modes , Modes are : MAN TOGA/SRS/GA TRK/A THR blue. Pos clb : gear up

The speed is automatically set to managed even if it was selected.
Speed target magenta is actual speed at toga selection or vapp whichever is highest.

At thrud red : LVR CLB flashes on fma : sel THR CLB / you get A thr white.
At accel alti : OP CLB engages+ALT blue : target speeds jumps to green dot spd.
Retract flaps : >F : 1 , >S , 0
or if speed restriction : use speed selected/keep flaps as required 1 or 2.

If any vertical mode engages and even before the programmed accel altitude, this either automatically or selected by yrself (OP CLB, VS, ALT*, ALT...) then LVR CLB will flash, target speed will jump to green dot : same thing : select thr clb, athr will engage, retract fl on sched.
Spd restrictions/alt restrictions during GA will not be followed by the system even if showed in F-PLN : your job !

Given the high ROC you'll get on 2#, and given the fact that most 1st GA altitudes are rather "low" : you'll end up most of the time in ALT* quite soon. Ref to previous paragraph.

Enjoy !