View Full Version : Ark Royal Museum Heliport

15th Dec 2010, 10:55
Boris Johnson is looking at having the carrier Ark Royal on the Thames as a museum, but funding is an issue. A heliport on the carrier would be an added visitor attraction and provide needed funding.
Support the Facebook page 'Ark Royal Museum Heliport' and maybe we will get a second London heliport in time for the Olympics...

15th Dec 2010, 11:02
That should of course read Face book

15th Dec 2010, 12:20
The London Mayor is interested in having the Ark Royal on the Thames as a museum, but funding is an issue.
Support via the Face Book page Ark Royal Museum Heliport the idea of it being also a working heliport for East London. Revenue and extra interest!

Agaricus bisporus
15th Dec 2010, 13:28
And pigs will fly.

Shame. Good idea though.

15th Dec 2010, 13:44
:D Bravo....:ok:

PS pls put one group on Linkedin too...

Agaricus bisporus
15th Dec 2010, 14:22
Heliport? Pigs will fly first.

Nice idea, but time would be better spent concentrating on the pigs.

Wouldn't it so perfectly sum up our topsy-turvy little country if we put a stonking great purpose designed helicopter platform complete with unlimited hangarage right where it is so desperately needed on condition that it could only ever be used as yet another dusty old museum...of which we already have half a country full.

Now, pigs! Pay attention this way! This position! Ready!