View Full Version : Chlamydia and flying

29th Nov 2010, 21:57
Um..a friend was telling me he got chlamydia from a cabin crew member.She gave it to him and the captain he was flying with. All three were on medication.What are the side effects?

29th Nov 2010, 22:25
Google "chlamydia" and look for the medications used to treat the infection, then google the medication's side effects.
I had the information inside of 5 minutes, but since I'm not a medical professional, I think it is better you look it up for yourself.

Remember Google is your friend! :)

30th Nov 2010, 03:26
How very generous of her :eek:

30th Nov 2010, 03:55
Very friendly girl huh !? Wonder who went first, or if cockpit seniority kicked in ? :=

30th Nov 2010, 06:22
infectious diseases carried by air! Hope an MOR was filed;)