View Full Version : "Ready in turn"

Yeti Breath
19th Nov 2010, 09:37
Sorry couldn't help myself, two more of my favourites.

"Ready in turn"
"Visual on top"

The Green Goblin
19th Nov 2010, 10:31
Enters, backtracks, lines up, rolls, departs, turns, climbs, maintains, descends, joins, finals (you don't say upwinds, crosswinds, downwinds, bases, so why finals???) exits, ABC IZZZZZ.........

Whatever happened to my little friend ING????

19th Nov 2010, 10:43

go_soaring! instead

19th Nov 2010, 11:01
GG, They teach the use of a few of those at my school, and Im guilty of using some of them! Enters & back tracks, rolling rwy xx, turns, joins departs is all things they are teaching it seems. I hear "lines up" a bit too from out of town guys. I do agree with the over use of "s" on everything, your only flying one plane at once! But perhaps I should be-friend your friend ING?