View Full Version : Someone escaped the cuts?

Willard Whyte
19th Oct 2010, 21:35
I guess one can assume the red arrows are safe then?

Deep. Joy.

Guzlin Adnams
19th Oct 2010, 22:04
The leech-like creatures who purvey much bullock dung in Brussels have also escaped. They should have had there budget cut by shall we say £47,000,000 a day!!!!v Get them auditted and then lets get out.:mad:

19th Oct 2010, 23:08
would that be get out of Europe then? I wish :ok::ok::ok:

The B Word
19th Oct 2010, 23:43
Here's an idea...


20th Oct 2010, 00:07
I escaped the cuts. I left 10 years ago.

I also escaped the effects of the cuts. I left the UK 5 years ago.

But then, I was sitting here watching Mr Cameron's speech on the internet with interest. I didn't give my youth and best years of my life to the Service for nothing.

A very black day. You can take the man out of the Army...

20th Oct 2010, 00:16
Someone escaped the cuts?

..Yes I did, 6 months ago:).....and boy it feels good!

20th Oct 2010, 01:53
Haha LJR - you would like the new "Thunderbirds" equipment then? ;)