View Full Version : Do hours in another country count towards your CPL flight time requirements

22nd Sep 2010, 19:25
If one has a FAA Private and Instrument and then flew overseas for pleasure - can those hours be logged in the same logbook. More importantly, will the hours count towards the 250 hours CPL requirement?

23rd Sep 2010, 05:38
The answer is yes, you can log the hours in the same logbook and they all count towards higher licenses. However, until you're issued an ATPL, make darn sure that you get those hours certified by the appropriate person.

29th Sep 2010, 01:21
So if i have a ICAO private licence and 180 hours total, having met the requirements for a JAA CPL and IR i wouldnt need to fly hour building in JAA land.

What documents would i need to have this hours valid in JAA.

Another questions:
1 - Can i start doing JAA CPL or JAA IR training while taking my DL JAA ATPL exams? Dont want to loose time because of weather.

2 - Can i start a JAA CPL or JAA IR training, based on a ICAO PPL licence, that will expire the single engine land rating before i finish JAA training ? Dont want to go back to that country just to renew it.

Thank you