View Full Version : comparing right seat salary for j*/Qlink

7th Aug 2010, 16:20
I m finding information of FO salary of j* after complete the ACP and FO Qlink. If you have the info pls share them.

7th Aug 2010, 21:38
A First year Qlink FO (at Eastern) earns either:

$54,290 for the Q2/300; or
$58,090 for the Q400.

That is the first year base pay as of 1 Jul 09 after being checked to line (or three months with the company, whichever comes first).

Sunnies FO's would be on similar, possibly a bit more.

There are no overtime payments. Sunnies get a productivity payment that Eastern doesn't get. You get overnight allowances that can add up to around $4000.00 pa but these depend on what base/fleet you're on (e.g. Mildura hardly do any o/nights). There are a couple of more allowances that add a few hundred dollars more to your pay.


Muff Hunter
7th Aug 2010, 22:01
Jetstar cadets will earn around the 55k mark + o/t (around 3-5k)

but the catch is you'll owe Jetstar 80k over 6 years and if it's the full cadet program you'll owe the government around 60k, and the bank or your parents around 30k, subtract that from the 60k and your left with a salary of no more than 45k. Less than a REX fo.

What a great industry, flying a jet and getting paid less than Bunnings worker..............:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh: