View Full Version : Engine operating temperatures

14th Jun 2010, 14:48
Hi guys and girls

For my science investigation i am working on in school one of the critical factors is the temperature of exhaust gases from a jet engine. I am looking at temperatures using theses factors

The engine is at cruise power
The engine is at FL350
The temperature is for roughly the high pressure turbine if you have it otherwise any other readings will do.

I wanted to get a mean for 4 or 5 engines so here are the ones i am particurley interested in and can you try to give me the temperature in degrees Celsius?

CFM 56 - 7 series (Boeing 737)
Trent 972-B (Airbus A380)
GP 7277 (Airbus A380)
IAE Model v2530 - A5 (Airbus A321)
GEnx -2B67

Thankyou for your help in advance and i will tell you how the investigation goes

many thanks


14th Jun 2010, 15:04
GE CF6-80 on the 747-400: We often see a "devilish" EGT of 666C... Note that that is at the output of the LP turbine, though

It's not possible to give a single temp, though, because engine thrust required depends on gross weight, too. We might see close to 800C when heavy, or 650 when light.

14th Jun 2010, 19:10
We should probably go with max turbine inlet operating temperature where you get the most efficiency
The temps are starting to plateau between advanced engines in the field. His list list would certainly be a good examples. I've seen the charts for what he's looking for, so maybe google would help

Agree that EGT is not a good measure since by that time your turbine efficiency has massaged the temps downward quite a bit. EGT is easy to measure and a pointer at engine health, but by itself doesn't mean much in range.