View Full Version : EEG in Class 1

23rd Nov 2000, 04:13
I have a friend who failed to get his Class 1, and nearly lost his Class 3, about 1993. He didn't fail the flicker-test (for light sensitive epilepsy) but just the occasional slow-wave on one side of the brain.

An independent consultant neurologist said it was no problem at all, but the CAA's EEG expert (actually a psychiatrist, not a neurologist at all) made all sorts of problems. An appeal for the Class 1 was unsuccessful (the CAA expert simply called in his friend to back him)though the Class 3 medical was reinstated.

The pilot has been flying ever since with certainly none of the threatened problems (grand mal/absence attacks). He could have taken it to a further, independent appeal, but was told this could only succeed on a point of law. By then he was a very unhappy bear, expecting to have a seizure at any moment, so he withdrew to lick his wounds. Moreover he was £1,000 worse off because of all the extra examinations (eg. CAT scan) he was told could help his case if no further problems were found. All these tests were clear but it didn't help at all (CAA was obviously hoping something WOULD be found, which would strengthen their case.

Anybody have any experience of anything similar? Is the situation worse or better under JAA?

24th Nov 2000, 03:27
Tough one to answer. Don't know what the regulatory basis for the refusal was at the time, but if you like I can mail you a (almost current) copy of the neurology part of JAR FCL-3 Medical.