View Full Version : Should I ditch my Job?

11th Jun 2001, 12:47
I have my Class 1 medical booked for next month and as i'm a bit skint I took on a 6 week temping job working in an office. The job involves basically working staring closely at paper and a computer screen 7.5 hours a day.

I have never had any problems with my eyesight and passed the RAF test late last year and the Class 2 this year without any problems. What is worrying me slightly is that since I started this job my eyes have been very tired when I finish each day and my eyesight isn't as sharp as it was beforehand. I does return to normal but is taking longer each time. I noticed this weekend that the vision in my right eye isn't as sharp as in my left, which certainly was not the case before I started this work. It has got better (although still not what it was) but here I am again, looking at this goddamn computer screen.

What is concerning me is that if I stay in this job for the next 4 weeks I could end up going for the Class 1 and struggling with the test. Needless to say, everyone in this office apart from about three of us wears glasses. Bit of an omen I think!

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm tempted to ditch this job for another one but the pay is quite reasonable (as temp jobs go) and as an ex-student I need the money.



[This message has been edited by bow5 (edited 11 June 2001).]

11th Jun 2001, 13:14
It's to do with focusing 1m in front of you all the time. This makes your eyes tired at the end of the day.

I work as Sysadmin which means i normally end up doing a 12hr shift looking at a monitor. I passed the class 1, 2 months ago no problems. Just make sure that if you have an afternoon session booked you don't go to work in the morning.

Good luck


11th Jun 2001, 13:21
Cheers mate.

Did/have you found that at the end of the day your eyes were knackered though?

I wish I was focussing 1m in front of me. Due to the nature of the work and the type on screen being ourageously small it's more like .5m, if that.

11th Jun 2001, 13:37
Yep sometimes but there are tricks you can do to help yourself. Sit and defocus (basically relax your eyes)

Small monitors will make things alot worse. All companys are meant to run HSE training for terminal workers but because your a temp i wouldn't push that one.

maybe one of the doctors can give you some more advice.

sitting in front of a 21" Trinitron ELSA :)

[This message has been edited by mad_jock (edited 11 June 2001).]

11th Jun 2001, 13:54
Thanks once again. I'll try taking more breaks and relax my eyes.

The company reckon this monitor is 17" but I think it's 15". That's probably why.


11th Jun 2001, 13:55

take a look at some of Mr Magoo's posts.
In particular look at the Bates's techniques for eye relaxation.
Although I have very little knowledge of Bates's work the basic premise is to either not develop bad eyesight habits which lead to this eyestrain.


if you, like me, have developed bad habits and eyestrain, there are ways to retrain your sight to overcome this without the use of glasses.

A good web site for info is WWW.SEEING.ORG (http://WWW.SEEING.ORG)

I've booked a lesson with a Bates teacher this Friday, if you are interested I'll let you know how it goes.

11th Jun 2001, 13:59
Also check what screen resolution you are running and the refresh frequency. The higher the refresh the less it tires your eyes.


11th Jun 2001, 14:32
Thanks for the advice.

Like I said, it's not bad enough to be considering glasses or anything like that. I just don't like the fact that my eyes are fine but when I'm doing this day in and day out it could lead to some degree of eye strain.

I'll check out Mr Magoo's posts.

16th Jun 2001, 01:20
Ho Bow5,

Try something as simple as increasing the zoom % on the document, you would be amazed at the difference..

I had the same problems, and will soon be going for my Class 1 med, and changing the doc size has made a big difference.

Try it, you've not a thing to loose.

