View Full Version : John Simpson, GW1, 1991

7th Mar 2010, 19:32
Evening all,

bit of a long shot here.

Towards the end of GW1 John Simpson was doing a piece to camera when all of a sudden a Tomahawk cruise missile flew over his head, literally following the line of the street he was standing on.

A few of the youngsters at work are sceptical it actually happened and would love to see it.

I've tried all avenues on You Tube and elsewhere I can think of on the net, to no avail.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in anticipation.


7th Mar 2010, 19:43
In Simpson's book ("From the house of War", I think) he said that film was taken from them by the secret police... I don't remember ever actually seeing it broadcast.

7th Mar 2010, 20:03
I remember it well - it was definitely broadcast. That said, I'm not 100% sure it was John Simpson - are you sure it wasn't Brian Hanraharahan?

I recall the missile disappearing from shot accompanied by the sounds of small arms and triple-A fire.

7th Mar 2010, 20:42
Brent Sadler, ITN

Clip 13

1991 Compilation (http://www.itnsource.com/compilations/datesanddecades/1990s/?lr=S17010802)

Simpson referred to it in one of his reports from Baghdad.


7th Mar 2010, 20:46
I had a quick search and found the following. Someone has spliced two unrelated pieces of video together.

The first part shows a small segment of the news footage from 1991.



7th Mar 2010, 21:00
Blimey, 145 quid for that short clip. Talk about money for old rope.

Seems a bit gaff that several missiles follow the same track within a few minutes of each other. Must have been fun to be an Iraqi triple-A gunner on that day.

7th Mar 2010, 21:33
It's at the start of this - part of a BBC programme/series The Gulf War (not sure if it is on DVD)


(Click on the 'watch on youtube' link if the embed fails)

There is certainly more than enough evidence from the man himself that he saw a TLAM go past his hotel and "turn left/right at the traffic lights".

8th Mar 2010, 07:16
Morning all,

many thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

Funny how the mind (and memory) plays tricks. I could have sworn it was John Simpson. The first part of the clip in TEEEJ's post is the clip I was thinking about. Maybe at some other point John Simpson commented on it.



8th Mar 2010, 11:51
I found the reference in the Simpson book - From the House of War Page 310-311 ,

"we were arrested as we were filming the fire which the missile had started and, after a fight....the security people got the tape with the cruise going past the window during my report to camera"