View Full Version : Air Slovakia

3rd Mar 2010, 18:31
Ryanair are announcing the bankruptcy of Air Slovakia with 'rescue' fares from BTS.

3rd Mar 2010, 22:06
Actually, Ryanair isn't an authority for declaring another airline bankrupt and PPRuNe looks askance at premature announcements of the death of an Airline. Their employees, families, passengers and creditors appreciate that.;) (recognizing that wasn't LGS6753's intent)

In this case, Air Slovakia isn't quite there yet. The authorities have pulled their operating license while they see if they can restructure their finances this week. What FR is doing is offering fares to cover Air Slovakia's passengers while it is preoccupied with the restructuring.

Google Preložiť (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=sk&sl=sk&tl=en&u=http://www.webnoviny.sk/ekonomika/sud-o-navrhu-restrukturalizacie-air-/80701-clanok.html&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhgQo8SueE58KDEub1BY6kSfyHGFIw)

4th Mar 2010, 03:32
Evileyes - fair comment on the current situation.

Bearing in mind that Ryanair (in the news section on their website) refer to Air Slovakia being bankrupt, would the authorities take a dim view on Ryanair doing so?

4th Mar 2010, 11:37
They will be painting an aircraft now with "bye bye Slovaks" on it!

Anyone know the whereabouts of the aircraft at the moment, BTS or inpounded elsewhere?

4th Mar 2010, 15:02
I'm sure I saw another posting after my one earlier (can't remember who it was by) that was critical of Ryanair, but it seems to have disappeared?

4th Mar 2010, 22:34
You did IJM, that poster removed his post for his own reasons.

Suffice to say that it commented on what he perceived to be an underhanded tactic on Ryanairs part in 'poisoning the well' for Air Slovakia by an untrue statement that they were bankrupt.