View Full Version : Advertising Australia overseas

19th Feb 2010, 12:21
I'm sitting in my hotel room in London watching TV. An ad comes up for Australia, all the usual iconic images.....Uluru, Opera House, outback, beaches etc, etc, come visit etc, etc.

The ad is sponsored by Australia.com and............... Singapore Airlines !!!

Come visit Australia with Singapore Airlines !!!!!............and Australia.com

Qantas..........where the bloody hell are you?


19th Feb 2010, 13:35
Well you have named the four good things about Oz.

21st Feb 2010, 12:15
One thing at a time Nadzab!

They're too busy with the "pan-asian strategy" :yuk:

When they get that sorted, I imagine they'll be spring-boarding from Singers further afield.