View Full Version : Patrick Andrew GD/P in Hamburg 1946

11th Feb 2010, 10:37
Patrick aka Paddy had a productive visit to Hamburg in 1946:rolleyes:and the son who was born as a result of the visit is trying to contact him! I was approached as I had written an article about another RAF Paddy Andrews who was in the RAF MRTs. Anyone got any ideas?

11th Feb 2010, 13:33
Well, if he was GD/P in 1946 he would have been at least 19/20 years of age - and that was 64 years ago. He would, therefore, be well past his "Three score years and ten" today. You don't say whether he was British or "British Commonwealth" - he could have been British and emigrated.

Have you tried that Holmes fellow in Baker Street?

11th Feb 2010, 14:19
Can Mutti be certain that Paddy is the Daddy? :}