View Full Version : Meteorology questions

1st Feb 2010, 23:20
Hi all!

Here are a couple of questions from the atpl meteorology syllabus.
What would you answer to this :

1) What gives freezing rain over central europe :
a- warm occlusion
b- cold occlusion
c- warm front
d- cold front

I would go for C.

2) What are the indications of a TRS (tropical revolving storm) from a great distance:
a- thick Ci
b- thick Cb's
c- Ns
d- Sc

I'd say B.

3) Flying from London to Bombay in january, what average wind might you expect :
a- light easterly
b- light westerly
c- westerly polar front jet stream
d- tropical easterly jet

I'm hesitating betwn B and C. Definitely not easterly winds, so neither A nor D are correct, to my opinion.

4) Equatorial jets are sometimes found at ........ latitude and at the ........ level.
a- 5°, 300mb
b- 0°, 200mb
c- 17°, 200mb
d- 0°, 150mb.

D seems half correct half incorrect to me. It is said that tropical jets are found bewteen 10° and 20° in the northern hemisphere summer at the 150mb.

5) The North African rains occur :
a- march to may and august to october
b- march to may and october to november
c- december to april
d- june to august

Thanks a lot.

2nd Feb 2010, 10:57
2. Thick cirrus seen from a distance is an indication of a TRS the air rises and spreads out against the Tropopause. Look at a satelite picture of a TRS and you will see that it is a massive circle of thick cloud that is flat at the top (no more vertical development as it reaches the isothermal layer i.e. the Tropopause


2nd Feb 2010, 22:43
Well actually that's the answer i had chosen (cirrus) but i didn't write the good letter.

Thanks for your help.

4th Feb 2010, 10:26

Question 1 is 'c'.The rain falls from warmer air into colder air and freezes. Also, if I remember rightly, thats the only way you can get severe airframe icing in VFR conditions. Another exam question that one... :rolleyes:

Question 5 is 'b'...

Just passed the Meteorology exam three weeks ago.:8

Isn't it strange how we block out bad experiences... So I've forgotten the answers to the other ones! Apologies!

Buy the Bristol Questionbank. You can do searches on there and it tells you the answers as you go through. :ok: