View Full Version : ATPL theory question

8th Jan 2010, 21:18
Hello all.
I got my ppl in the uk 3 weeks ago and now i am about to start the atpl theory.I was going to start it with a greek fto but then i found out that if i do a greek atpl theory,i have to do the cpl from the state as where i did my atpl theory...is this true?Because after the atpl theory i want to do my me/cpl/ir in the uk...
Please help

8th Jan 2010, 22:31
I'm pretty sure that as long as both authorities agree on it then it's not a problem. However you need to do all the work yourself, which is to contact each authority and get them to contact eachother ( sending e-mails should be enough ).

It might also be a good idea to have the approval in writing...at least I would like that.

There's already a thread about this, please have a look at it for better info: http://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/377986-must-really-jaa-cpl-training-made-same-country-atpl-theory.html

8th Jan 2010, 23:40
Ive seen the thread and its not helpfull...What if they dont agree?

8th Jan 2010, 23:46
The sign up and do the ATPL exams in the UK :} There are plenty of course providers but you will have to come over to the UK for the brush up courses and exams which could be four or five weeks over the length of your study.



12Watt Tim
12th Jan 2010, 00:52
You are very unlikely to get the agreement of the UK and Greek authorities that would be needed.

14th Jan 2010, 21:05
Why?And how do you know this information?...Anyway im not gonna beg the UK for the agreement..i have talked with both Caa's and they said that it would be fine...if not..Florida Option for the FAA CPL/IR/MEP and then convert