View Full Version : Help : Gyros

29th Dec 2009, 07:36
Hi all,

What do you think about these following questions?
Here they are :

1- In a turn at constant angle of bank the rate of turn is :
a) independant of weight and inversely proportional to speed
b) dependant of weight and inversely proportional to speed

Would say a).

2- The flux valve of the RIMC gyro magnetic compass :
a) is pendulously mounted and remains aligned with the earth magnetic field.
b) is fixed to ans turns with the aircraft to create a field which is used to measure the angle between the aircraft and the earth magnetic flux lines.
c) is not subject to turning and acceleration error.
d) is pendulously suspended and is not affected by the vertical component of the earth magnetic field.

No idea, perhaps b).

3- In a slaved gyro compass system the output of the magnetic detector is fed to the:
a) annunciator
b) error detector
c) flux valve
d) precession amplifier

I'd say answer b). Annunciator is to measure synchronisation between magnetic indication & gyro indication. Precession amplifier, as its name says, is to amplify the precession signal. So i'm hesitating between b) and c), b) sounds a bit better though.

Thanks for your help guys!

Dick Whittingham
29th Dec 2009, 14:05
1. a

2. I think they are looking for b, which is correct. Watch out for c. and d. THe detector is pendulous - within about 25deg - to isolate the vertical component. Critically, it does not rotate, so it does not suffer from the large turning and acceleation errors typical of the ordinary compass

3. b. Sometimes called the "null detector"as its job is to report a null error


30th Dec 2009, 08:16
Thanks for your help.