View Full Version : New e poll - chance for Ppruners to make their voices heard?

4th Dec 2009, 13:04
Forgive my temerity but I was wondering whether anyone else had noticed that MoD are currently running a poll on their website about the forthcoming SDR. Is this a useful opportunity for those who take an interest in defence issues to make our views known? I keep being told that there are no votes in defence - isn't this a chance to prove them wrong?

I hope this link works it did on the preview despite the error message - if not check their website

Ministry of Defence | Error | Page not found (Error 404) (http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/CorporatePublications/ConsultationsandCommunications/PublicConsultations/PollForDefenceGreenPaper2009.htm)

4th Dec 2009, 16:17

Good spot - well worth it and I hope loads of us will do it.

Link works fine! All one needs to do is click on 'Survey Form' in the External Links box - no need to use their log-in details.


4th Dec 2009, 17:23
Done, thanks for the link, though I doubt any minister type person will a, like the anwsers, and b, take any notice.

4th Dec 2009, 17:29
Done and Bumped. Thanks for the link.