View Full Version : CPL (A) requirements???

Benjamin James
29th Nov 2009, 04:56
Does anyone know of what requirement their is to gain a CPL (A) if I did the combined PPL (A) CPL (H) route? I can't find anything on CASA's website regarding this oddity.

29th Nov 2009, 05:23
probably have to sit the CPL(A) AGK, Performance and do the CPL flight test once you have the required hours and endorsements

Benjamin James
29th Nov 2009, 05:30
Yes I have to pass 3 cpl (A) exams (I've already done that), but I would like to know what the hour requirements are.

29th Nov 2009, 05:34

Have a look at the 1988 CARs - CAR 5.113 has the answer you're looking for I think.

Also have a look at the CAA website at: Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Day VFR standards and syllabuses (http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_90013) for the Day VFR syllabus for CPL(A). :ok:

Benjamin James
29th Nov 2009, 05:45
THanks Chainsaw! I'd completely forgotten about simply looking at the application form (CAR 5.113), instead I'd been trolling through the syllabus with no luck :ugh:

So according to that form I only need 10 hours cross country command, 10 hours instrument, and 60 hours general flying in aeroplanes, with 200 total hours aeronautical experience.

29th Nov 2009, 06:04
sounds bout right

29th Nov 2009, 07:47
Read CAO's/CAR and if this fails when looking anything up call CASA on theie hotline and ask them the question. They get paid to answer questions and keep us legal and safe

30th Nov 2009, 09:42

Would you like to 'rethink' your post #7????

Read CAO's/CAR and if this fails when looking anything up call CASA on theie hotline and ask them the question. They get paid to answer questions and keep us legal and safe

Can you please explain to everyone just how and why CAOs have got anything to do with what BJ was asking. :confused:

Also, CAR 233 (1) seems to place the responsibility fair and square on YOU goldypilot to keep yourself legal and safe, and not the poor buggers at CASA on 131 757. So if you ARE a professional pilot goldy, then start acting like one!

Keeeerist! :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

Eskimo Joe
5th Dec 2009, 01:11

Also look into CASA FCL Procedures Manual: http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/manuals/regulate/fcl/010r0301.pdf - page 81 (refer to table for conversion requirements)

5th Dec 2009, 04:36
Chainsaw what i am gettin at is that PRUNE has turned into a place for people to talk ****. So asking a serious question and then taking the advice from some pelican like all the PPrune members is dangerous. So the way of finding out and answer if you can't find it in the books is to call CASA and ask/find out. Not to take the advice of some bloke on the internet. I think finding out the correct answer from the books or CASA is much more professional then hitting up Prune.

Does this help you out :ok:

Benjamin James
5th Dec 2009, 12:46
I think finding out the correct answer from the books or CASA is much more professional then hitting up Prune.

How so? I simply asked if anyone knew where the reference was as I couldn't find it. Someone posted the CAR link and I read it and got my answer.

I am professional enough to read and understand the CAR"s enough that I don't need someone from CASA who may or may not understand them to try and explain it to me over the phone, who know's if they miss a subsection that applies to my scenario.

5th Dec 2009, 13:10
BJ my last comment was directed at chainsaw not you.( (the post he made befor mine) I come in peace just having my 2 cents worth. I have seen Prune over the years give some bull**** answers to some serious questions and just want people to get the correct answers. It is good to see it worked out for you this time but use caution next time

5th Dec 2009, 19:37

BJ's question was answered with the correct reference to the CARs (CAR 5.113). Eskimo Joe subsequently referred BJ to page 81 of the CASA FCL Procedures Manual coversion requirements for CPL(H) to CPL(A)............which also referred to CAR 5.113. Correct advice on both counts, don't you think?

But you'd already bowled into the thread and made a statement to the effect that BJ should read the CAO's/CAR's, and if that failed, call CASA.

Duh.........hello!! :rolleyes: The correct CAR reference had already been provided to BJ, so what point were you trying to make? And CAO's wouldn't have provided BJ with the answer, so that's why I asked you:

Can you please explain to everyone just how and why CAOs have got anything to do with what BJ was asking. :confused:

Your responses:

.....what i am gettin at is that PRUNE has turned into a place for people to talk ****. So asking a serious question and then taking the advice from some pelican like all the PPRuNe members is dangerous.

I have seen Prune over the years give some bull**** answers to some serious questions and just want people to get the correct answers.

goldypilot, to restate.........BJ WAS given the correct answer (ie, reference to CAR 5.113), and your suggestion for BJ to refer to CAOs was nothing more than your own self-described and gratuitously abusive 'pelican' advice.

Does this help you out [goldypilot?] :ok:

Time for you to have a cup of tea, a Bex, an a nice lie down. :}

PS. We're all waiting for your explanation re the CAOs. :}

6th Dec 2009, 02:29
I love PRUNE. When everyone reads this and starts laughing i know i have made someones day. It even makes me laugh that we can all go on about this crap for days.

My response regarding CAO and CAR is a gereral answer to help people find the answers to any question they have. I realise the correct answer was given, what i am saying that you should NOT use prune to find the answer to a question. It is after all a rumour network. This means some people talk ****. Therefor don't trust what they say.

I am telling people to use other ways of finding important information and not to rely on what some snapperhead has to say.

I have finished with my little rant.

PS. I had my TEA and BEX I feel alot better. Maybe you should have a glass of whiskey and relax.
End of discussion.:ok:

6th Dec 2009, 05:10

Thanks so much for your explanation about your understanding of PPRuNe. Seems you've probably never visited TECH LOG on PPRuNe, which is described as:

The very best in practical technical discussion on the web

Note the advice given by Checkboard at post#2 of Tech Log FAQ and Philosophy, that Tech Log is a place where:

(a) anyone with an interest in aviation can ask any technical question .. and we intend "technical" to be interpreted fairly generally. Questions need not be about the flying side of things .. but will be welcome so long as they have at least a tenuous connection with aviation. Questions are asked and comments/answers provided by the most experienced through to the least experienced within the Industry according to their knowledge and interest in the subject.

(b) the posts within a thread will be polite, reasonably restrained, and generally pertinent to the subject ... without being too dreadfully dull and boring.

(c) everyone who wishes to participate can have their say without fear of ridicule, sarcasm, or any of those other nasty things which might cause people not to participate.

(d) heavy emphasis is placed on education and low-key training so that those who are not too sure about a subject can find a reasonably accurate set of information so that errors in thought, logic, and knowledge can be corrected in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Your opinion of PPRuNe seems to differ though from the advice provided by Checkboard........... :ugh:

...you should NOT use prune to find the answer to a question. It is after all a rumour network. This means some people talk ****. Therefor don't trust what they say.

Finally goldypilot, it's recommended that you also note Checkboard's advice that:

abuse of another poster will not be tolerated at all ... play the ball hard by all means if the subject matter is controversial .. but NEVER the player. :ok:

I don't drink spirits goldypilot.

End of discussion.

6th Dec 2009, 11:36

I like it mate. We have had our fun, no hard feelings i'd love to catch up with ya one day and introduce you to a nice glass of Johnny Walker.

Keep the shinny side up

6th Dec 2009, 22:33
Christ, grow up.....
pointless attacks on someones post is absurdly childish. Maybe that's why so many people are still hanging around the GA forum