View Full Version : Proper language used at Vueling

18th Nov 2009, 19:57
FROM: Vueling Ops
TO: All personnel comming from Click
SUBJECT: Improper Language Usage

It's been brought to our attention by several pilots visiting our headquarters that the Spanish staff commonly uses offensive language. Such behaviour, in addition to violating our group's policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and the staff itself.

Therefore it is requested to our Spanish staff to adhere immediately to the following rules:

1.. Foreign colleagues or visitors should not be referred to as " ese guiri de mierda ".

2. Words like " coño" , " hostia ", and other such expressions will not be used for emphasis, no matter how heated the discussion is.

3. You will not say " la ha cagao " when someone makes a mistake, or " la está cagando " if you see somebody being reprimanded, or " ¡qué cagada! " when major mistake has been made. All direct or derived forms of the verb " cagar " are inappropriate in our environment.

4.. No Captain, Line Captain or TRE, will be referred to, under any circumstances, as " el hijo de la gran puta ", or " el muy cabrón " or even " el comemierda ".

5. Lack of determination will not be referred as to " falta de huevos " or " mariconería " nor will persons with a lack of initiative be ever referred to as " capullo " or "acojonado ".

6. Unusual and/or creative ideas shall not be referred to as " pajas mentales " in particular when they stem from your Vieling Captain.

7. You will not say " cómo me jode " if a person is persistent, or " está jodido " or " se lo van a follar " if a colleague is going through a difficult situation at simulator. Furthermore, when matters become complicated the words " qué jodienda " should not be used.

8. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say " vete a tomar por kulo ", nor should you ever substitute the most educated "may I help you?" with " ¿que coño quieres ahora? "

9. If things get tough during negociations, an acceptable expression such as we are going through a difficult time should be used rather than " esto esta jodido " or " nos van a follar a todos ". Additionally, if you make a mistake, just say so and do not say " que putada " or any expressions composed with the root "puta".

10. No salary increase shall ever be referred to as " subida de mierda ".

11. Last, but not least, after reading this note please do not say " me voy a limpiar el kulo con ella " or " me la paso por el forro de los cojones ".

Just keep it clean and odorless and dispose of it properly.

B. regards

18th Nov 2009, 20:16
Por si alguien se ofende.... el post anterior es solo un chiste para relajarnos y reir un poco....
Just in case someone feels offended.... previous post is just a joke for us to relax and laugh a bit....

N-1 ;)

19th Nov 2009, 22:05
Pues, yo creí que iba en serio. Me he reido un montón.

26th Nov 2009, 21:29
Aun me estoy partiendo =D

16th Dec 2009, 03:16
Todavía me recuerdo del controlador de Mallorca quien decía a su compañero con el botón del micrófono enganchado: "Qué hace el pollo ese aqui?" (No he oído esa expresión antes, pero parece que es común en aeroespacios espanyoles de titular a los pilotos con nombres de aves.