View Full Version : RAK to relaunch operations

27th Aug 2009, 10:48
Heard rumors RAK Airways will relaunch its operation soon and is understood to purchase the phased out Tyrolean CRJ fleet. Has anybody more concrete information on this?

27th Aug 2009, 19:41
Heard, Tyrolean and Cimber are offering their CRJ fleet plus dispatch and all thats needed...

28th Aug 2009, 04:38
2 ceo's have come and gone in the last 8 weeks, this must make the running total something like 14 in the last 2 years ??? check my maths...

lebbo dr and and his trusty henchwoman will continue to insert the digit until the end of time.....

30th Aug 2009, 10:57
There's a henchwoman now? Oh dear...

An unusual offer from both Tyrolean and Cimber...why would you base regional jets in RKT? Where would they fly to and who would fly on them? I'd be dubious about the market for that kind of operation.

Good luck with it all...

What happened to the last CEO (Danish Guy ??)

30th Aug 2009, 16:03
Sounds like a crazeee idea Regional Jets? Can't imagine what market that would be aimed at?
The Danish (or is he Dutch?) Guys profile on Linked In says he's still the CEO and President of RAK Airways if so he's lasted about 4 months!
Is the henchwoman possibly the 'CEO' of RAK airport Austalian/American lady?


31st Aug 2009, 08:39
Refers to Capt Pottie's, lapdog.

The Lady running the airport, is trying very hard and appears to be doing a good job.

As to a regional airline, I can not see any benefit, as the new highway to Dubai is very good.


31st Aug 2009, 12:02
I cannot believe a REgional Airline with CRJs will operate RKT - DXB. On the other hand, I have seen sectors like this operated with bigger birds. But RKT - AUH would probably attract passengers, if the departuere airport would have another name and location :)

The last known CEO is Danish. At least as of a few weks ago. But in RAK things changes faster than most of us change underware, so if he is gone....what number in the row would that be. May be he joined the ex-Silver Air CEO, who was sent packing this summer, leaving the new start up in a mess :ouch:

Whatever they are trying to do in RAK, I do hope it will work, for the employees.

10th Sep 2009, 20:37
I visit RAK airport daily. doest seem RAK is gonna start anytime soon. You are lucky to see a plane at RAK a/p flying. big rwny, all modern day facility but no flying.

18th Sep 2009, 19:37
The suspense is killing me:} what's the news? any sign of life at RAK:confused:

19th Sep 2009, 08:50
It's life Jim but not as we know it...

19th Sep 2009, 09:32
I heard RAK AIR is going out of business and shutting down it's operation....

21st Sep 2009, 12:18
and what operation would that be, pray tell ?

22nd Sep 2009, 12:44
Anyone know if the Danish chap is still there?

23rd Sep 2009, 03:51
I believe the CRJ plans will be/already are parked in the waste bin. I also believe that the danish CEO has to come up with some serious production on the 757, or revamp the company to a point where the owners can believe he is puttng the airline on the right track. And that soon. Otherwise he will join the line of ex CEOs from RAK Airways.

It is pretty clear to most people that you need a CEO with operative experience to run the show in RAK. So far, none of the CEOs have had that background listed on their CVs. This is a small organisation where all of the people in management have to be aviation professionals. Looking at RAK Airways, are they? And, they need leaders with local knowledge. Not some foreign desk riders who never sat their feet in the ME. I believe here is where the RAK Airways Board have to put their focus.