View Full Version : ppjn u/s

15th Aug 2009, 17:56
people, cant get onto ppjn, anyone else?

this is my "warning"

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'datahost.captainhr.com' (1) in /home/.lamaline/apjn/pilotjobsnetwork.com/index.php on line 198
The connection to the database host has failed. Please try again by refreshing the page.

15th Aug 2009, 18:11
yep same message here. Just tried it ten minutes ago myself.

16th Aug 2009, 19:08
MySQL is a database server and the error is from the driver trying to connect to the server - this error indicates a problem with the site you a visiting which can only be sorted out by the admins of the site.

As an aside the actual error seems that it cannont resolve the domain name - but that info is not of use unless your the admin.

Hopefully they will sort it for you soon.

17th Aug 2009, 19:13
I think it's u/s as there's no jobs out there . . . :E