View Full Version : EK - No Days OFF before leave

26th Jul 2009, 12:17
Is it just me or i see many swap request to get at least one day off before leave. This is getting ugly seems everybody is working till the last day before leave.

Keep Discovering:ok: and pissing us off:D

Instant Hooligan
26th Jul 2009, 13:03
Yep, and AD days inserted so as to keep the days off to minimum 8. Way to go.

26th Jul 2009, 14:13
One of my friends asked his manager why people hardly get days off before their leave lately and was told that "these days off are not a right but a privilege, so shut your mouth and be grateful that you have a job". How could we forget...:ugh: :ugh:

26th Jul 2009, 17:19
Got 3 days before and 2 after. Must be you...

Fart Master
26th Jul 2009, 18:31
Don't even get me started with the :mad: that run rostering in EK..........

26th Jul 2009, 22:44
It`s all automatic, no? wobble, wobble

White Knight
27th Jul 2009, 01:58
Didn't bid for days off before but got the 4 xx days after that I bid for...

27th Jul 2009, 04:04
If it was automatic, we would have our roster on the 14th of every month.

A whole week of manipulation must be keeping someone in a job.

Now there's an opening for some cost cutting/redundancies.


27th Jul 2009, 12:36
Rostering practices have always been somewhat questionable at EK, but in the past few months, they have gone beyond annoying and into the range of dangerous.

Unquestionably poor rosters for most Airbus guys, less so on the Boeing.

It is interesting that this issue is one that most guys are now talking about. Perhaps due to the other recent negative changes to our T&C's, it took some time for the majority of pilots to recognize the negative impact on our lifestyles and the safety implications of an incompetent and vindictive Rostering Department.

There are no constraints placed on the Rostering Department, so naturally they will take the easy route without consideration for the affected human beings.

The level of work and the crazy patterns of the last few months are unsustainable. In fact, our Rostering practices could very likely be the biggest causal factor in the very next incident. I hope I'm wrong but it seems inevitable.

27th Jul 2009, 19:36
I really don't understand what is going on with the rosters. They create poor moral and promote resentment. My bottom bids are shocking but my top bids are worse! being reasonably senior I find my soul being eaten away at. TCAS & Ed would be doing themselves and of course us a favour by promoting some sort of moral by maybe adding a day off before leave (as in the past) and making sure the bidding system worked. The good felling and welbeing from such a move would be priceless.

28th Jul 2009, 11:16
yes :{


28th Jul 2009, 17:00
When I checked my personal calendar before I bid I noticed my "Confirmed Leave" had been moved back 4 days from the origional award. Apparently, "Confirmed Leave" actually means "Probable Leave." Furthermore, I was awared one day off prior to my leave however, before that I work 11 days straight with 1 day off in the middle. Nice:sad:

puff m'call
28th Jul 2009, 18:49
Remember when things get rough and silly and you're knackered just call the clinic, see the doc and tell them you are fatigued and you can't fly the remaining roster, you will get two weeks off no questions asked.

That came from the top!:ok:

Use the system, don't let the bastards run you into the ground. :=

Oh yeah, I've done it and it works very well. Time to controle our own lives.:)

29th Jul 2009, 10:15
Yes guys just remember that all these calls ......no days off b4 leave, 3% annual increment, 78 hrs increasing to 92 hrs, utilities cap etc etc are all examples of the company exercising it's discretion.

Just something to think about the next time you're about to use YOUR discretion!

We're all professionals!