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green granite
7th Jul 2009, 08:23
An interesting article : Cybercrime and siphoned data - Contingency Today (http://www.contingencytoday.com/online_article/Cybercrime-and-siphoned-data/1916)

The FBI and Metropolitan Police are currently co-operating to find a group of six Ukrainians responsible for building a botnet of more than 1.9 million computers worldwide with the ability to record keystrokes, copy files and take screenshots. Assembled in the space of two or three months the network is rented out for various activities at up to £130,000 per day. The criminals can remotely execute anything they like on the infected systems.

7th Jul 2009, 10:04
Thanks for that GG, One wonders, with this problem ever growing, how long it will be before we are obliged to abandon the computer for financial transactions and resort to older systems. This will mean the resurgence of cheques and the use of the older telephone banking systems which are probably more secure, particularly as all information is transmitted by voice.


green granite
7th Jul 2009, 10:24
Indeed PP, even with reasonable protection I wonder how safe we are.