View Full Version : The Chopper Jockeys Lament

3rd Jun 2009, 04:46
The Chopper Jockeys Lament

Beneath the spreading rotor head
the helicopter stands
with an underpowered engine
and blades like rubberbands

The fuselage looks silly
the whole idea's absurd
why anyone would fly it
I haven't really heard

There is an anti-torque propellor
protruding from the tail
it looks to me for all the world
like a highly pregnant quail

One doesn't need a parachute
one doesn't need a brain
in fact to fly this monster
it helps to be insane

Oh, how i hate DaVinci
and Sikorsky's on my list
if these had kept their trap shut
this mess i would have missed

But I am brave and I am strong
and greatly in demand
for I am a chopper jockey
in the Airfast group Command


Early edition
"Airfast Magazine"

courtesy PJ

9th Jun 2009, 08:01
well I love 'em. The whole of life is all negotiation & compromise so sumfin what staggers into the air because nearly a third of it's power output is diverted to prevent it spinning like a top is a mirror to life's struggles for me!