View Full Version : Oxygen escape routes...

20th May 2009, 07:40
Looking at a route from the Desert into Europe via Iran... lots of high ground and CFP shows MSA's between 130 - 170 for over 2 hours (points RADID to KESIR). Have never had any experience of planning oxy escape routes before.... any advice?

20th May 2009, 08:43
Step 1) What is the oxygen availbility on the specific type you are planning on (i.e. how long does the flight crew oxy last for)?

20th May 2009, 08:47
"The provision of Oxygen Escape Routes information when overflying areas where the minimum en route safe altitude is such that the aircraft is unable to descend to and transit at 10,000ft following a decompression event is a planning requirement. It is the operator's responsibility to ensure that the OER requirements can be met on the planned routing and the aircraft commander's responsibility to ensure that OER information is available on routes where this is required

In some aircraft types the emergency oxygen on-board provision may be such as to require the aircraft to re-route to avoid areas of extensive high ground. "

This is why the oxygen (=time) available is so important......

20th May 2009, 10:01
Hahaha! Lauderdale! how are you old fruit! me thinks we've been here before!
Rather an elderly mid-sized Boeing! 12 mins pax o2. Escape routes neccessary for legs with an MSA above FL130 which are longer than 24 mins (for legs of less than 24 mins decision is to turnaround or continue)

26th May 2009, 20:34
Im not 100% sure i fully got your point however PAX 02 is 12Min but please remember...
At FL180 TUC (time of useful consciousness) is 30min+
So 12 min is enough for descent and then re-routing...