View Full Version : Ever had a medical to work nights??

18th May 2009, 11:42
Company now decrees we must have medical to be able to work night shift....anyone else have to do this??

Been working night shift for years with different companies, first time come across this.


19th May 2009, 07:49
Thats got to be me goosed then and the kebab house too boot!

Is this related to Eurocrats and WTD per chance....................

19th May 2009, 10:15
OK is this substance detection ? There is a study to be conducted regarding the effects of shift work in critical areas and the circadian cycle, maybe this is a not too clearly explained reason ? Interesting, please keep us updated as we went through a similar application in the early 70s for Flt Ops folks after the conclusion of Bader / implementation of CAP371 for Air Crew. Good luck:ok:

19th May 2009, 14:01
if you take a look at the direct.gov web page ...it says that your employer should offer you a free health check, but you do not have to except it.

it also tells you that a night shift is deemed to be in the hours between 11pm and 6 am........lots of interesting stuff on there,have a look

19th May 2009, 15:26
It's not substance abuse detection it's a full blown medical lasting 40-50mins:eek:

Will advise soonest any news
