View Full Version : UK: Fuel Drawback

Horst Schwul
15th May 2009, 23:05
Can I.....

1) ....claim drawback for fuel exported in an N reg aeroplane to Reykjavik and
2) ....claim drawback for fuel exported to Eire

Fairly sure that I can (in both cases) but can't put my finger on the regulations.

You know it.


16th May 2009, 07:34
Strictly speaking the drawback is due when fuel is "shipped as stores" rather than exported.

Both the flights mentioned would appear to be eligible. The relevant Notice is here (http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageVAT_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000203&propertyType=document).