View Full Version : Misleading airline websites – Commission names names, sort of

14th May 2009, 14:41
The European Commission has revealed the results of its ‘sweep’ of airline websites, looking for infringements in the areas of fare add-ons, hard to find terms & conditions etc. They have published two lists – those who were fully compliant and promised to stay that way, and those who would soon be compliant. They are named in the Commission’s Press Release.

Rapid - Press Releases - EUROPA (http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/783&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en)

Interest centres around who’s on the third list, and although the Commission had said they wouldn’t ‘name, shame and blame’ the Commissioner provided journalist questioners with the 12 names on this list. You shouldn’t have trouble finding them.

Totally botched exercise – the Commission has already advised that the ‘fairly good guys’ list was out of date before it was even published and two notable absentees (BA and Air France/KLM) should be added to it.