View Full Version : F/O Salary In India

18th Apr 2009, 11:01
Have heard a lot of rumors in recent past about Spice having drastically reduced their F/O Salary , Couldnt believe my ears when I heard a figure .

Will appreciate if only online narrow body confirmed F/Os answer this question with very recent take home numbers , plz do not include any money for extra time / days etc if you still happen to get any ..

Jet 737 - 1.40 L take home ( Based on 22 days / 75 hrs max )
Jetlite - Same as Jet
Air India ( Indian )-
Spicejet -
Indigo -
Go Air -
Kingfisher A320 -

Many Thanks ..

18th Apr 2009, 19:11
SG: 85k before tax.

19th Apr 2009, 03:44
the flying cafe cofee day airline is surely not paying 1.4............ its easy to say same as jet for everything jetlite...but my friend there is a lot to read between the lines.... recheck your jetlite pay packet... its lower than 1.4 net

19th Apr 2009, 07:24
SG cadets are getting this salary NOT the online FO.s

19th Apr 2009, 07:35
I stand corrected.

19th Apr 2009, 09:58
What we are forgetting is that these cadets will be TR'ed and released to fly as FO's on the line. So yes there has been a significant pay cut for FO's in SG.

It's only a matter of time that rest of the FO's will see a drop in their pay packet. How long before some kind of retaliation from the ranks?

19th Apr 2009, 10:14
Well I was going by what a Jetlite F/O said to me about salary , that it used to be higher than Jet but after the take over it was reduced to equal .. I hadnt just assumed it myself which is what you are saying by saying that its just easy to say same as Jet for everything ..

Anyhow , will ask some other guys online and post it here if they happen to differ ..

Thank you ..

19th Apr 2009, 13:55
IFLY f/o = 1.36 take home

19th Apr 2009, 19:17
Thanks for info air cowboy ..

19th Apr 2009, 19:22
No online Spicejet or AIE F/O here ?

20th Apr 2009, 02:43
AIE ~ 1.65 Take home

9th Nov 2010, 17:05
wat abt spicejet??

9th Nov 2010, 18:20
Latest salary structures.

JET 737 & ATR : 1.1 take home after the licesne is endorsed for 737 or ATR during probations (18months) then 1.8 take home

AI (NACIL A) : 1.7 take home during probation (till 1 yr online) the around 2.0 take home

Go Air : 1.0 gross for first 500 hrs and then 1.8 gross. Salary increases to 2.7 gross once you obtain an ATPL.

10th Nov 2010, 04:06
i think spice is the lowest.