View Full Version : SAS Hard Drive Lost

14th Apr 2009, 14:54
OK, not aircrew except perhaps for those SAS that jump out of aircraft.

I am surprised that no one has picked up on the loss of yet another set of computer data. Interesting that the following has just been published in PaperClips:

Following the theft on 9 January 2008 of a TAFMIS recruitment laptop containing the personal details of over 1,000,000 recruits and potential recruits to the Armed Services, ncluding their parents/guardians, an enforcement Notice was placed on the Department by the Information Commissioner.

Must admit, didn't realise it had been 1,000,000 lost. The Mirror thought much less:

Up to 658 MoD laptops have been stolen in the past four years - the most recent containing personal details of 600,000 military recruits..
Has Sir Humphrey been economical with the truth? Cross-checking, other reports from Sep 08 also refer to the loss of 600,000 records in jan 08 yet here we have an MOD publication refering to one million. MMmm

green granite
14th Apr 2009, 15:32
Over 1,000,000 recruits, surely not. :)

14th Apr 2009, 15:35

and potential recruits

Chris Kebab
14th Apr 2009, 16:09
I think I can see GG's point. If the UK's "resource pool" for the Armed Forces is, say, 12,000,000 (and I suspect that's over) a million recruits/potential recruit seems a tad high. Or is this a list of every 18 - 30 year old in the UK?

green granite
14th Apr 2009, 16:16
I thought it sounded high as well hence my rather tongue in cheek comment. After all where would they put them all? :hmm:

14th Apr 2009, 16:26
Hmmm... in this age where GPRS/HSPA cards are getting cheap maybe it's time for "dumb" laptops which know nowt except how to connect to home base (and can therefore be blocked on loss) and any personal info to be held server-side only.

This as part of defence in depth - biometrics, HD encryption, MAC filtering at VPN server, maybe a separate GSM-mil network to run the cards on etc. etc.

14th Apr 2009, 16:50
OK, not aircrew except perhaps for those SAS that jump out of aircraft.

Well we never lost a hard-drive, but lots of other stuff went missing on jumps (eg entire Bergens). Perhaps most memorable was when one of our patrols lost their lead-scout (who usually jumps first) on a jump out of an Armée de l'Air Transall. If my memory is still correct (probably not!), the normal sequence of traffic lights on NATO jump aircraft is red-on (approaching DZ), green-on (go) - but for the usual gallic reasons the French had at the time a slightly different sequence where green signified approaching DZ, and the final signal to go was a shove from the Jumpie (or something like that). Anyway, it was sufficiently different that we were heavily briefed before the jump about the differences. Unfortunately the lead scout on the first stick was a Porridge Wog who had difficulty understanding King's English, let alone French, with the result that on the Green he hoofed out before the Jumpie could stop him. He landed at 4am in full NBC gear in a quiet village in Picardie, and was arrested by the bemused Gendarmes. As he was a good few miles from the DZ, the local Gendarmerie had no idea there was an exercise on, and completely failing to understand his Jockanese locked him up "Garde en Vue". They were preparing to charge him for attempted bribery of a Gendarme after he handed over his get out of jail free card and the issued gold soveriegn when the CO and French LO found him.

Pontius Navigator
14th Apr 2009, 17:09
Love the ad at the bottom of the thread :)

Sas Hard Drive
Flexible Storage Offers That Meet Your Capacity Needs. Buy Now!

Solid Rust Twotter
14th Apr 2009, 17:26
Not SF and not Brit but it used to rain kit on any jump. It's a wonder there weren't more casualties from own forces' kit taking out the previous group.

14th Apr 2009, 18:29
shouldn't that read 'very hard drive' then?

Dan Gerous
14th Apr 2009, 18:38
It only thinks it's hard, cause it was mentioned in a sentence along with the SAS.

Solid Rust Twotter
14th Apr 2009, 19:59
Nails drive?

Wouldn't that be a hammer?

My tablets? So kind, Nurse Lash....

14th Apr 2009, 21:38
What do we have outstanding this month? Do make sure it accompanies the sticks. Combat Loss, wonderful words to a stacker.

Two's in
15th Apr 2009, 00:27
Following the theft on 9 January 2008 of a TAFMIS recruitment laptop...

Wasn't TAFMIS the Welsh Commanders'-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany?