View Full Version : JAA pilots retiring Vs training?

7th Apr 2009, 10:34
A quick question. When JAR was being implemented there was a lot of talk about shortfall of qualified pilots being available in the future to fill the vacancies from retirees alone. I am aware at the moment of the sheer number of pilots who are unable to secure any flying. I know several high time IR pilots who cant even get an answer from companies re co pilot positions.

All major operators seem to be cutting back on pilots but surely the contracts/ crewing minimums must be maintained? Or are operators using present economic climate to maximise their own profits at the expense of their staff?

Will these attitudes lead to industry wide strike actions in the future? In the grand scheme the logistical support to the oil and gas industry must account for a very small cost when compared to potential lost production if an action did arise? I have read on different threads that contract to oil and gas companies are pretty much written one sided.

It doesnt make sense to have paid in excess of £100k to get suitably qualified to earn less than working in Mcdonalds.

I am sur ethis is not the 1st time the industry has weathered a storm but how did it turn before and can it turn again?


7th Apr 2009, 15:21
Folks get advanced degrees in Art History and other very lucrative job fields too.....and find getting a job impossible.

The fact one spends tons of money and arrives in the workplace to discover all the seats are taken is tragic to the individual but life never once was said to be a bed of Roses.

Hang on....when the economy turns around and the oil companies start spending money again and kick off new drilling then the helicopter market will come back to life again.

If you are standing in the door when it happens....with your tickets....and a good attitude...the work will be there.

In the last huge downturn in the oil industry the way to get a Texas Oil Man's attention was simple....."Snap your fingers twice and call out..."Waiter...Waiter!"