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8th Mar 2009, 16:26
East is Oriental
West is Occidental
What is to "North" and "South"
Any ideas or answers?

8th Mar 2009, 16:34
Yankees and rebels

galaxy flyer
8th Mar 2009, 16:52
Scottish and English :p

Actually, Boreal is the word referring to "northern", as in, "boreal forest". Don't have a southern word, though


Back Burner
9th Mar 2009, 06:04
Austral for southern?

9th Mar 2009, 07:02
Also septentrional and meridional. For example, Southern Italy is known as Meridione. Meridional in current usage indicates motion towards the south.

I have a globe marked "Sep.", "Mer.", "Ori." and "Occ." Septentrion from Septentrio, from Septem Triones, the seven stars of Ursa Major (which is an asterism, as eny fule kno).

9th Mar 2009, 08:06
Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis are the northern and southern lights!


galaxy flyer
9th Mar 2009, 15:51
I think BH from the Occidental Island, has it.


Old Smokey
10th Mar 2009, 03:13
Put together a combination of the contributions of Back Burner, Bullethead, and galaxy flyer, and you've got it. It's Austral.

Aurora Australis got it's name from this origin (Southern Lights), and so too did Australia (Southern Continent).


Old Smokey

Old Smokey
10th Mar 2009, 03:24
I should have added, do a Google and take a look at the Wikipedia result (Last item on the Wikipedia links) :

"South, or of the Southern Hemisphere, often referred to by the adjective "Austral"

Australia rules....OK!!!:ok:


Old Smokey