View Full Version : Is my PPL confuser still valid?

25th Feb 2009, 22:31
My friend gave me an old PPL confuser - Edition 6 published in 2003. I was hoping to see out my law exam this weekend and i was wondering how useful this would be as a general guide to the questions being asked these days.

Bear in mind i don't intend to revisie the exact answers, more so, i will read a question in the confuser, then if i am unsure of it, give that part of the (up to date) Air Pilot's Manual an extra thorough read.

So are they still asking similar questions or is it a whole new batch? I think i'd stand a good chance passing anyway, but it's always nice to know the questions.


ps: i'm aware a couple of rules are have changed since 2003.

Celtic Pilot
25th Feb 2009, 22:37
there will be differences between the way questions are put and a few other factors however saying that i believe that you will find it usefule enough to use for your exams...

example i think there is an extra option for answers now (i.e A,B,C and D) from back then

25th Feb 2009, 22:54
It does actually have 4 options but it says that's an anticipatorary measure at the time of going to press.


26th Feb 2009, 04:23
I've scrunched my eyes closed tight, forehead furrowed - almost cartoon steam coming out of my ears - but, for the life of me, I cannot see any form of link between this thread and the title of the forum.

(Keygrip turns towards the sun, looks upwards and mutters "Give me strength").