View Full Version : Professional Pilots Program - Bristol

3rd Jan 2009, 21:23
Does anyone have any information or advice on the Proffessional Pilots Program or Sponsored Pilots Program offered by Bristol aviation. I am trying to choose a school and wondering what kind of reputaion Bristol has?

Thank you in advance

3rd Jan 2009, 23:22
Don't go integrated in the current climate. Choose a modular school, take your time and gain experience in aviation. There's no jobs out there at the moment, so unless you want to have a big debt, license and no job.. that's your choice.

Good luck.

3rd Jan 2009, 23:37
B-F-C Had/Have a very good reputation as a modular school.

I personally have no idea how this 'Professional Pilot Program' is going though? When I last had a chat with Geoff he mentioned nothing about going from 0-fATPL. I think this program is a new arm to the school and i looks pretty good. But as Daria and many others will point out ... there are no jobs for at least another 2 or 3 years - so what is the rush in doing a 12/18 month course?

Good luck.