View Full Version : Helicopter Eye View of London - At Night

5th Dec 2008, 11:46
Still one of the World's greatest cities.......

London from above, at night - The Big Picture - Boston.com (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/london_from_above_at_night.html?p1)=

5th Dec 2008, 11:54
Some of those pictures are stunning.

5th Dec 2008, 12:05
WOW, Truly amazing!:ok:

5th Dec 2008, 12:40
Stunning indeed.. very niceee:D

5th Dec 2008, 12:47

Some more about the photographer and his techniques here:

BBC - Britain From Above - Stories - Behind the Scenes - Photos by Jason Hawkes (http://www.bbc.co.uk/britainfromabove/stories/behindthescenes/photos.shtml)

vital actions
5th Dec 2008, 13:16
This chap also does some sunning aerial pics. If you get the chance to see one of his exhibitions, they are worth seeing.

Our Online Photo Gallery for Earth From The Air (http://www.wecommunic8.com/EarthFromTheAir/Gallery/default.aspx)

If you go here and click on "slideshow" there are some larger resolution images of his shots

Picasa Web Albums - Chris A - Applebys Trav... (http://picasaweb.google.com/ChrisApplebyOz/ApplebysTravelsPart2#5191158050259146770)

5th Dec 2008, 13:27
He (Yann Arthus-Bertrand) is here too:

YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND.ORG (http://www.yannarthusbertrand.org/index_new.htm)

Always worth reading up on what variety of craft he used.

And this duo (Adrian Warren, Dae Sasitorn) do a very decent job of showing the UK at its best:

Aerial Photography from around the world - Adrian Warren photo library (http://www.lastrefuge.co.uk/photolibrary/sp_aerials.html)

And both have some cracking books out, good to inspire the punters, good for christmas gifts.

(The postcard reproductions can make nice gifts when stuck in the inexpensive frames/mount designed for postcards - got some hung up at home)

13th Mar 2012, 19:46
Some great pictures here:

London from above, at night - The Big Picture - Boston.com (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/london_from_above_at_night.html)

but I thought helicopter flight was only allowed along the river? How is this done (legally)?

13th Mar 2012, 20:04
...but I thought helicopter flight was only allowed along the river? How is this done (legally)?

It is SE helicopters that have to follow the Helilanes (one of which follows the course of the Thames). ME helicopters can route direct (avoiding a couple of prohibited areas).


13th Mar 2012, 22:47
Marvellous photos, thanks for sharing :ok: