View Full Version : Spanish flight training books/manuals - WANTED

14th Nov 2008, 03:41

I'd like to get hold of Spanish flight training book. (written, doesn't have to be from Spain, but..)
Purely for getting more familiar with lots of aviation terms. I can't find anything suitable on Amazon and friend (pilot) of my Argentinean Spanish teacher only replied to her email with Spanish aeronautical dictionary (I can't see on Amazon anyway).

I tried to search on Amazon using both English and Spanish.
Traslating word by word is bloody boring. Pictorial dictionary pages from 'air transport' just aren't enough.

Is there any online shop in Spain I could check out?
I'd also be happy to read stuff on gliding (planeadores), helicopters, any flying.
I could also ask friend to buy them for me and bring it over if it's available for Spain delivery only or only in some specialised shop. Zaragoza, Barcelona or Madrid possible.

Replies in Spanish welcome as well. Estoy muy cansado para escribir todo en espanol.
Thanks a lot.

6th Dec 2008, 01:55
Hello Martin,

Try Bucker Book at Cuatro Vientos Airport Madrid,
phone 915 114 744
www.buckerbook.com (http://www.buckerbook.com)


L'Aeroteca, Barcelona (the city)
phone 93 218 17 39

If you can you may want to spend a Low-Cost trip to either city to have a look at "all" the books before buying your selection


Google "lobros segunda mano" or similar, you will have to write/talk spanish again though ;-)

Best of luck, enjoy reading