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View Full Version : I Want Khaya's Job

29th Oct 2008, 09:40
A powerful leader appeared in this month’s (November) World Airnews, written by Kevin Barker. Unfortunately their website is down so I can’t cut and paste it.
In it he says he wants SAA CEO Khaya Ngqula’s job. What a pleasure it would be to have a high flying job which did not require him to worry about anything — and why should he when, to date, the airline has been baled out to the tune of R13,74-billion over the last five years. During the same period, says the article, Ngqula has pocketed R20-million (I think that’s conservative).
He goes on to commiserate with the private carriers who have to make a profits to pay taxes to keep SAA airborne.
He ends thus: “Contrary to what was said two months ago, the minister has rubbished allegations that SAA needs another R2.8-billion again! Time will tell.”
Indeed it will, Kevin indeed it will.

29th Oct 2008, 11:56
Stand in the queue, sunshine - we all want the job. mind you, if SAA job is not available, you can always try Escom, any cabinet post, S A Post Office, S A NDF, Home Affairs, Mayor of any town/city (except Cape Town) - the list is endless.:E

29th Oct 2008, 14:15
You've left out the best one of all... Police Commisioner! Comes complete with "get out of jail free!" card... Mind you, so does the ANC presidency

Said it before, and i'll say it again: Nqcula is to SAA what Mugabe is to Zim...