View Full Version : SEP rating

24th Oct 2008, 15:42

I hold a JAA PPL(a) rated for SEP which (the SEP rating) will expire in 1,5 years. Currently enrolled in ATP integrated also in a JAA country (Moldova) course where I will be flying DA-42 towards my further hours for the next about 1,5 years. Question: in order to prolong my SEP rating I have to show 12 hours (6 solo,..etc) of SEP flying 1 year prior the expiration of this rating - if I will be flying a twin engine during that time do I still need to fly 12 hours in a single engine in order to keep the rating valid?
The question is raised not because I seemingly do not want to fly a SEP, but because the money issue is really acute one and saving funds for the ATP training is the priority.

Thank you for consideration and sorry if this was already answered before.


24th Oct 2008, 15:48
As it is an SEP rating the 12hours in the preceeding 12 months must be on an SEP.

Its not a problem to get rechecked, If it has expired by less than 5 years, which applys to you then all you need to do is renew. Its a 45min/1hr flight consisting of departure, steep turns, stalls, PFL, circuits (flapless,glide and normal) and an EFATO, possible a rejected takeoff.

im sure on the course you will have checks in the single that will allow you to put a stamp in the licence.


27th Oct 2008, 19:26
Just do all your multi flying, once you are finished, Go up with an examiner and do a SEP revalidation. That should only cost £130 ish for the examiner and add the aircraft time to it. Its the cheapest way.

It should be fairly simple after you have been flying the twin

31st Oct 2008, 08:47
Nick and coodem,

Thank you for the advise - it really helps...
