View Full Version : Nondies club - Berakas

23rd Sep 2008, 19:33
Did anyone on here go to the nondies club in the hut between Barakas and BSB in the 70's

Did it survive into the 80's and does anyone have any pictures of the club Tshirts?

23rd Sep 2008, 20:29
Was LS 1998-2001, and have to admit I never heard of it. Mind you, there was probably a polo field and an ATUDB flying unit at Berakas when you were there - they're long gone too. The thing that kept us sane after the Amedeo/ Jefri crash in 1997/8 was the Pondok Nelayan down on the beach, but that went the way of all things in 2001 as well.

26th Sep 2008, 13:05
Thanks - it was mostly a world wide helicopters hang out -I think it may have died out in the late seventies ( there wasn;t much to do either apart from water ski on the spit and drink tiger)

I was a sprog at the time but my dad used to go down there a lot. He is about to retire and I wanted to put together a small presentation for him.

He was not in the military but in the world wide outfit based down in Muara. I had many a good time flying out on the RMB 212s ,from air wing in Berakas, to the long houses. But never got chance to go in the sultan's with the toilet and gold plated taps in the back waist position ( yes it was small )

Brown Cloud
14th Oct 2008, 18:23
Dagenham - Think I prob went there once or twice when v. young - my dad was WWH at Berakas so prob knew yours at the Muara end. Spent a lot of time in the World Wide Club later on - overgrown and derelict now that the beer has gone. Not been there myself since '88. Bloody hell, getting old.....

14th Oct 2008, 21:29
Not been there myself since '88. Bloody hell, getting old..... Brown Cloud did you know Jim and Jenny Lay? I myself was on loan service with 2 Sqn at BSB but we were part of RBAF Air Wing and members of the WWH Club in Berakas.

Brown Cloud
15th Oct 2008, 16:31
Now those names ring large bells - although I was in very short shorts at the time. How long were you there?

16th Oct 2008, 19:27
Sorry for the delay Brown Cloud. I was with 2 Sqn RABF from March 1985 until July 1988.