View Full Version : Group exercices.

16th Sep 2008, 06:51
Hi people,

Do you have any links or tips where to find this kind of tests for training.
I have been called for interview.

Thanks for your help.:ok:

16th Sep 2008, 17:22
Hi 1500psi,
Sorry I don't have any links for you . Neither am I a pilot but my son is and since you don't have any replies I thought I would offer a few words of general advice re the group test.
As you probably know CRM is vital in the cockpit so your tester is going to be watching how participants operate as part of a team. So be a team player and involve other members in arriving at any solutions to problems set.
Hope the interview goes well.

17th Sep 2008, 05:55
Hi Willby,

Thanks a lot for your advises.

Have a nice day.

17th Sep 2008, 08:05
Basically what you need to be is "man for all men"

Ie. in the group discussion you need to :

able to Listen,
communicate clearly
be decisive
be accepting of others thoughts
confident of your decisions
able to stick to the rules laid out to you
open to ideas

I didn't realise it at the time when I did my group exercise but it is exactly the same as when you're in a cockpit for real and as willby says is it's about CRM..
If you look at a defination of CRM it pretty much sums it up and if you aim for this you wont go to far wrong.

CRM training encompasses a wide range of knowledge, skills and attitudes including communications, situational awareness, problem solving, decision making, and teamwork; together with all the attendant sub-disciplines which each of these areas entails. CRM can be defined as a management system which makes optimum use of all available resources - equipment, procedures and people - to promote safety and enhance the efficiency of flight operations.