View Full Version : Licence Issue Costs

On the Spot
19th Aug 2008, 15:58
Okay another winge if you don't want to read further.
Having just renewed my passport and enquired about the issue of a JAA ppl I naturally compared the costs.

For £72 the Passport people would carry out an ID check if it had been a new issue, rather than the renewal as on this occasion. As it was I got back a shiny new cardback document with security printed paper and embedded chip with biometric information. I don't necessarily think £72 is good value but......

I was interested in obtaining a JAA PPL to allow me to hire in JAA land rather than my CAA PPL. I was quoted £168 by the CAA for the issue. They already know me through my CAA PPL, I don't have to submit any test results or proof of identity etc. The licence is printed on plain paper.

Okay I suppose I should be grateful as my first issue PPL costs £210.
But it does not sound reasonable to me. Anyone from the CAA able to comment upon what seems to me to be another form of taxation ?