View Full Version : Asia & Subcontinent Operators

18th Jul 2008, 04:46
Hi All,

I’m new to this site and I have just started to learn to fly. I am also writing a thesis on the proliferation of business throughout Asia & the Subcontinent, and in particular how this affects the global helicopter market. It sounds like a mouthful I know, but simply it’s about the effect a growing a growing market on established markets.

I am trying to find a list of helicopter operators in Asia & the Subcontinent. Does anybody know where I can get one?

Thank you in advance.


18th Jul 2008, 10:50

I can't help thinking that your thesis would be more authentic if you were to do your own research on operators in Asia and the subcontinent.

Your intended thesis maybe flawed since the helicopter "market" (you don't specify whether its operations or commercial sales, large or small aircraft) has grown worldwide.

Furthermore, the growth in commercial sales has been distorted in the twin engine offshore market by the requirement to replace older aircraft, a natural cycle which occurs every 25-30 years in addition to industry growth driven by higher oil prices.

In order to be cogent, your thesis will need to be extremely complicated to try to break out growth sales from those which would have occurred as part of the replacement cycle.

You will require in depth aircraft and fleet age information as well as oil industry policies on new contracted aircraft certification policies and performance requirements which sometimes drives fleet replacement decisions. These policies vary considerably by oil company, location and national rules regarding the importation of aircraft over a certain age etc.

I am afraid that you will find much of the information you need is difficult to get and often treated as commercially confidential.