View Full Version : airline aptitude tests for newly qualified pilots

14th Jul 2008, 19:56
Hi ppl, i have a question and would appreciate any advise/comments:

There's a lot of useful info on here regarding pilot selection aptitute tests (e.g. hand-eye coordination tests, numerical & verbal reasoning, spacial awareness etc.);

but i can't work out if these tests are used for screening zero hours prospective pilots (seeking sponsorship) or used for low hours CPL/IR/MCC qualified pilots or used for both? perhaps they are used for qualified CPL pilots seeking type rating sponsorship/training?

I am aiming to finish my CPL (modular) by spring next year and want to prepare as much as i can for the type of tests i am likely to encounter when applying for a first airline position.

Although i have a degree in aerospace engineering i am absolutely useless at these tests and want to do my best by being well prepared. I am hoping that for a newly qualified CPL/IR pilot the airline assessment only consists of an interview (technical and personality) together with a sim check? (i.e. no ''aptitude'' test ..... or is this just wishful thinking)


14th Jul 2008, 20:09
You will have a lot of problems with finding work in airlines.
Maybe just for a while, until the downturn will be over, find normal work, and just fly for fun and search for work after aviation industry will go back to normal recruiting people?

The possibility of getting sponsorship from an airline is quite low too..

15th Jul 2008, 03:20
You could find aptitude tests anywhere - depends on which company you look at.

My understanding is that NetJets Europe now use the same aptitude testing from OAA/EPST for their cadets to assess direct entry experienced pilots.

From my training buddies, I believe BA may use something similar to that found at cockpitweb although I think this is probably restricted to low hours applicants?